Manifest Our King
In-depth Bible study courses to help you live for Jesus. The Podcast of Manifest International. We live to manifest our King.
339 episodes
Outro - The Obedience of Faith
Thank you for participating in this course. We hope you were blessed and encouraged to obey God more and more. Jesus is King!Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.com...
Season 6
Episode 42

The Outcome of Obedience - The Obedience of Faith - E8.E-F
Those who do not obey the Gospel will face God's judgment. But those who endure in the obedience of faith will be the victorious bride of Christ.Free Study Guide: https://manif...
Season 6
Episode 41

The Final Judgment: Sheep or Goat - The Obedience of Faith - E8.D
Jesus' parables about the end times and final day of judgment should spur us on to deeper obedience so that we prove to be a sheep rather than a goat.Free Study Guide: https://...
Season 6
Episode 40

God's Righteous Wrath After Sending His Messengers - The Obedience of Faith - E8.A-C
God is righteous in bringing judgment upon those in rebellion against Him. He gives every opportunity to everyone by sending His messengers. Free Study Guide: https://mani...
Season 6
Episode 39

Suffering Produces Perfection & Maturity - The Obedience of Faith - E7.E
Suffering purifies our eternal hope, our humility, our holiness, our faith, our love, and proves us worthy to inherit the Kingdom of God.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinter...
Season 6
Episode 38

Sharing in Christ's Sufferings & Other Sufferings - The Obedience of Faith - E7.C-D
As we follow Jesus, we will share in His sufferings for His glory. But not all suffering is sharing in Christ's sufferings.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.com/o...
Season 6
Episode 37

Jesus Was Perfected through Suffering & A Servant Is Like the Master - The Obedience of Faith - E7.A-B
Jesus was perfected through trials and suffering and as His servants, we will also face trials and sufferings in this world.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.com/...
Season 6
Episode 36

Example of the Fight of Faith: Jesus - The Obedience of Faith - E6.G
Jesus is our perfect example of one who resisted all the temptations of the flesh, the world, and the evil one to victoriously be resurrected to eternal life.Free Study Guide: ...
Season 6
Episode 35

Out with the Old & In with the New & Working Our Your Salvation - The Obedience of Faith - E6.E-F
We retain free will and must use it to choose to put off our old way of life and put on the new way of life in Christ. This is how we work out our salvation as God works in us.Free Study Guide:
Season 6
Episode 34

Offer Yourself & Set Your Mind on the Spirit - The Obedience of Faith - E6.C-D
We must live as if we are dead to our former way of life so that we can live completely and totally to obey the Spirit of God.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.co...
Season 6
Episode 33

Fight the Fight of Faith & Follow Jesus - The Obedience of Faith - E6.A-B
The Apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to stay true to the pure Gospel and fight the fight of faith to the end. This begins by following Jesus.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinte...
Season 6
Episode 32

Power for Godliness, Faith, & Boldness - The Obedience of Faith - E5.I-L
If we truly believe the Gospel, we will allow God to transform us and conform us to His will, we will respond to trials with faith and love, and we will not be ashamed to proclaim Jesus.Free Study Guide:
Season 6
Episode 31

Power for Redemption, Healing, and Provision - The Obedience of Faith - E5.E-H
If we truly believe the Gospel, we will experience the benefits that Jesus died to give us, including redemption from the curse of the Law, power over the forces of evil, healing for our diseases, and provision for all our needs.Free Stu...
Season 6
Episode 30

Power for Salvation from the Wrath of God & Sin - The Obedience of Faith - E5.C-D
If we truly believe the Gospel, we will be thankful and offer our lives to God in holiness with a clear conscience.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.com/obedience...
Season 6
Episode 29

Power for Salvation in No One Else - The Obedience of Faith - E5.B
If we truly believe the Gospel, we will forsake all other forms of religion and spirituality, including our own religious efforts.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternationa...
Season 6
Episode 28

The Gospel is the Power of God for Salvation - The Obedience of Faith - E5.A
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Good News that God has conquered the evil one and is taking over the world. The question will be: do our actions reflect that we truly believe this?Free Study Guide:
Season 6
Episode 27

Hall of Faith: Abraham to Jesus and You - The Obedience of Faith - E4.C-F
Continuing the Hall of Faith commendations for those of generations past culminates with Jesus, the perfect example of faith and obedience and exhorts us to live as they did.Free Study Guide:
Season 6
Episode 26

Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith - The Obedience of Faith - E4.A-B
The Book of Hebrews was written to encourage believers to persevere in faith like the faithful ones of generations past who were commended by God.Free Study Guide: https://man...

Southern Kingdom, Part 3 - The Obedience of Faith - E3.G.13-21
Hezekiah and Josiah stand out for their devotion but ultimately, the kingdom of Judah is destroyed and sent into exile for unbelief and disobedience.Free Study Guide: https://m...
Season 6
Episode 24

Southern Kingdom, Part 2 - The Obedience of Faith - E3.G.8-12
The line of David continues in Judah with a mixture of obedience and turning their hearts away from God.Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.com/obedienceoffaith...
Season 6
Episode 23

Southern Kingdom, Part 1 - The Obedience of Faith - E3.G.1-7
Beginning with Rehoboam, the lineage of David waxes and wanes in their obedience and devotion to the Lord. Free Study Guide: https://manifestinternational.com/obedienceoff...
Season 6
Episode 22

Northern Kingdom, Part 2 - The Obedience of Faith - E3.F.8-20
Kings of the Northern Kingdom continue in the errors of Jeroboam I, refusing to listen to God's prophets or turn from their wickedness, until God gave them over to their enemies and they were scattered into exile. Free Study Guide: ...
Season 6
Episode 21

Northern Kingdom, Part 1 - The Obedience of Faith - E3.F.1-7
Jeroboam, the first king of the Northern Kingdom led the people in false worship. His successors all followed in his error, including Ahab who did more evil than all who were before him, leading the people into abominations.Free Study Gu...
Season 6
Episode 20